viernes, 7 de agosto de 2015

Preguntas para la Host Family (en inglés).

¡Hola! Hoy os traigo un listado con tooodas las preguntas que preparé para la entrevista por Skype. No sé si son muchas o pocas porque, como sabéis, ésta ha sido mi primera entrevista con una familia.
Os dejo marcadas  en color verde  las que N me respondió sin que yo le preguntara y,  en color rojo  las que no me dio tiempo a realizarle. ¡Espero que os sirvan de ayuda!

Sobre los niños
  • How do you pronounce the name of your older/younger girl/boy?
  • Could you describe me the personality of (nombre del niño)? Is he/she shy?
  • What are their hobbies?
  • Do they have any activity after school?
  • How is their daily routine? What time they go to sleep?
  • Would you like that I teach some Spanish to your children?

Sobre la familia
  • What do you do in your free time?
  • Why do you decided to have an au pair?
  • Did you have an au pair previously? How many? Where are they from? Are you still keeping in touch with them?
  • Do you have a special diet? What kind of food do you usually eat?
  • What time do you usually have breakfast/lunch/dinner?

Sobre las tareas
  • What will be my duties?
  • Will I have to cook? What kind of meals?
  • How was the experience of your previous au pair driving on the left?
  • How many hours do I have to work per week? Do I have to work on weekends?
  • How much pocket money will I receive each week?

Sobre la casa
  • Will I have my own room?
  • Can you describe me or show me some pictures of my room?
  • Will I have to share the bathroom?
  • Could I use the WIFI conexion to chat with my family and friends?

  • How is the weather in your town/village?
  • I would like to attend an English course. Is there a School of Languages in the town/village?
  • Are there shops/restaurants/etc in the town?
  • Is there any au pair in the town?
  • How far is the city/airport/etc?
  • Could you give me the email address of your last au pair?

Y tú, ¿qué preguntas le hiciste a tu Host Family?


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